The girl in the cloth cap

I’ve always been known for strange dreams and this house is renowned for inducing them.

Last night’s dream was no exception.

I girl came to me. She was stick thin and cold. She wore a cotton summer smock with cloth cap. She said her name was Aileen, Eleanor or something similar.

I asked her why she was in my bedroom and she told me she was lost. I wrapped her in my hoodie and sat with her on the spare bed.

I only realised she had gone when another person walked into the room. They were searching for friends that were playing hide and seek, the next was looking for their brother who was late to the dinner table and the procession of people in and out of the room continued most of the night.

It all felt so real, and I’m pretty certain I spoke in my sleep to a number of them. But the whole night I continued to be concerned for the girl.

When I woke up this morning my hoodie lay on the floor. 

Did I walk in my sleep as well as talk, or did it just jump off the back of the chair?

I thought it odd but equally I felt calm despite the movement of my jacket.

I wonder if she will visit again tonight. She was so fragile like glass. My urge to protect her was so strong.

Or maybe as I’m in a place from my childhood, she is me? My inner child. Lost and scared

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