We all do it! At the end of December, start planning the new year new me stuff.
This year it’s going to be different! And by the end of 2017 I’ll be a size 10 who will always leave the house looking like a supermodel, I’ll be super fit, in control of my health and able to run marathons, I won’t shout at my children, and I will be organised and on top of every aspect of my life and things will be perfect!
But by the middle of January the sneaky chocolate bars have found their way back into the shopping basket to be devoured on the way home so no-one knows (cos if they don’t see it don’t count right?)
You caved on that one small glass of wine on Monday as it had been a bad pain day and it ended up being a whole bottle (and on a school night!! Oh the shame!!).
Your children have scuttled out the house 20 minutes late each day with you screaming at them like a deranged fishwife checking that yes their teeth were brushed, no they didn’t find their PE socks that you definitely put in their bedroom less than 24 hours ago and of course mummy didn’t buy their cooking ingredients as mummy was only informed about cookery class at 8pm last night and no she couldn’t go to the shops as she had already drunken half a bottle of sodding wine!
And finally having face planted after every down faced dog in Yoga last week you’re thinking that fat and inflexible isn’t such a bad thing after all.
But this year I’ve decided things do have to be different!. I can’t give up halfway through the first month cos I’m having a bad day, It’s only 1 bad day! It took over 10 years of me pushing myself too hard to get like this so I can’t expect things to change overnight.
I can’t keep on with the bust and boom cycle of having a good day and thinking I can take on the world only to over do it and spend the next 3 days paying for it.
I can’t keep ignoring my body telling me I’m ill and that I need to take better care of me.I can’t carry on how things were as so much in my life has change.
I needed a plan and one that I can’t fail!
Que 3 hrs research on Pintrest to discover THE BULLET JOURNAL!!!!
OMG!! I love it and I’m only a few pages in!!
For those of you who don’t know about bullet journaling its basically a creative book to keep track of anything and everything that’s is important to you in your life. In fact, as its your journal, it doesn’t even need to be creative!
It’s short, it’s compact, its fun. It’s an activity tracker, it’s the household chores paced throughout the week and year, its mad crazy ideas that swamp my brain at 3 am when I can’t sleep. , it’s a list of lists, of projects I always wanted to do but never found time for, 101 things that make me smile when I’m feeling depressed, things I need implemented in my life to make it run smoother.
Its me taking each day at a time and allowing myself to rest and have the quality time I always seem to forget or run out of time for. It’s me setting a weekly challenge to better myself safe in the knowledge that if it goes wrong I still have another 51 weeks of this year to try again.
And best of all my journal is a blank canvas that I can turn into anything I need it to be to help me become whoever I want to be. After all, today is the first day of the rest of my life.
My weight loss tracker
Never forget a special date againWhat films and books I have enjoyed this year
And all the stupid thoughts that fill my brain