Me time

For the first month since closing the shop I busied myself with sorting paper work and finalising accounts. December was filled with wrapping presents and making gifts.

Then first week of January I sat down with my bullet journal and began to plan all the crafts I could do for my blog with the hope that one would evolve into my next money making scheme. I got quite excited. I relished the prospect of the quiet time focusing on reinventing myself.

But 4 days into the new year, 8:30am my husband walked back through the front door having been made redundant.

Now don’t get me wrong. I love my husband very much but after a few days of overhearing him watching YouTube videos where he is brushing up on java skills and advances in HTML coding I started to loose my shit!

What is is with all these geek minded people?

They speak in monotones!

These are topics that they are meant to be enthusiastic about!

But it sounds more like they are reading out the details of their experiences of watching paint dry!!

So equally my enthusiasm evaporated.

Sitting in the same room as those monotone zombies was driving me insane. And the endless teas and coffees I was making to keep up his spirits were draining mainly due to the toilet trips I was making in compensation.

So I started baking, But given the fact that I feel I’m now the size of a small cottage in the Cotswold’s, it was not the wisest of moves.

I started looking at my house with new eyes.

We’ll have been here 3 years this summer but other than the garden we haven’t really made our mark on the place. Yes his lordship has set up his glass cabinets filled with monsters, daleks and mecs, but none of it really reflects my family’s personality.

My little lady is fox mad! And if it’s not foxe’s it’s all things purple or dream catchers.

So I started redecorating her room.

It was slow going, one day’s work equaled 3 days recovery because let’s face it, I’m crap at pacing.

Once it was complete I came back to the sofa…. husband was now listening to videos on CMS….so back upstairs I went.

This time converting the boys room into a zombie apocalypse zone….then my room, a tranquil den, the hall, the kitchen….the house decorated top to bottom. Thank god there is no more rooms as it’s nearly killed me! But better that than resenting my husband for his monotone tutorials.

At last the day comes where he goes gets offered a new job, a position in front end development, a role that he’s 100% comfortable in (cos lets face it looking for a new job in your mid 40’s does give you doubts!)

Everyone is excited for him I pack him up home made sandwiches and even a travel cup of coffee to send him on his way.

3 hrs into my first day at home I get a call from the school, my daughters got the lurgy, can I come and pick her up?

The next day is filled with errands but that’s ok cos I’ve got the rest of the week to myself to concentrate on me…..But then….guess what?…… after 3 days in his new job he’s sent home sick, chest infection, complete sofa rest.
I dont mean to be selfish, I hate that hes poorly, I really love him dearly and Im really trying my hardest not to loose my shit but


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