I’m starting to think even the professionals don’t know what to do with me.
As suggested, I’ve just taken an anxiety course.
The basis of the course is that our anxieties are irrational. And once we analyze them we can tell ourselves they’re not real and learn to move forward without them controlling us.
We were given a few moments to list our fears, then asked to share one and describe how it makes you feel.
I said I get anxiety when my kids don’t check in when they get to where they’re going.
The effects of this is I start catastrophising that the worst as happened.
They asked if there was a particular time this anxiety was worse?
Absolutely yes. When they travel with my ex husband.
And why do you think that’s worse?
Because when I was 5 month pregnant with my youngest he ended up in intensive care for 10 days. A year later he wrote my car off, and then a couple of years ago my daughter refused to get in a car with him for a year as his driving had scared her so much.
“Oh” she replied.
Long pause.
I can see why that makes you anxious.
Ummmmm has anyone else got and anxieties they’d like to share.
Something that’s not based on actual events?