Assenting through the clouds in an aeroplane, you can’t help but think in a child-like way if this is what heaven is like.
They look solid as if you could walk on them but so so soft like an inviting place to rest.
As a child, I was taught that heaven was among the clouds and hell was beneath the earth’s crust, surrounded by fire and brimstone.
When you are up among the clouds you can see why people would portray this, but unfortunately, when you are in them, there is no friendly face of those you love, only a reflection of yourself as you peer through the oval windows of a plane.
My beliefs about heaven and hell have changed as I have grown.
I never really believed in an almighty presence deciding where you should go. But I believed that if you led a good and kind life then you would be reborn into an easier version of life. For example, a kind and caring person who always looked out for others would be reborn as a puppy that is lavished with attention and love.
If you lived a life of crime and cruelty you would come back as a sewer rat scavaging for survival.
But my fairytale idyllic views had altered again and now I see we are all just partials of energy.
We’re born into this life, nourished by the earth and when our time comes our energy returns to the earth ready to nourish future generations, and in that, our light never fades. It just evolves into what nature needs us to be for the earth to survive.
There is a belief that we are killing the earth. We’re not. She is so much stronger than we understand. We are just making her inhabitable for humans to survive.
This is why we need to listen to the Earth. Mother Nature is telling us that she is being abused and our punishment is the extinction of us and our energy and light will be used to make a more beautiful version that we are not worthy of.