Glorious HRT

In 2017 I went to my GP due to sweats, pain, low mood and memory loss.

They suggested I was perimenopausal, but without a blood test to prove otherwise, the fact that I still had a regular monthly cycle, they wouldn’t treat me.

I have been seeing my GP every 2 weeks since March. Most of the visits we focus on my mental health, my pain levels from fibro, and all the big things that are affecting my life right now.

About 2 months ago I happened to mention, that with the warmer weather, my sweats were nye on impossible to manage without 3 changes of clothes daily. And the menopause was mentioned again.

But this time, because I’m 5 years older and officially over 40, then we could look into some kind of treatment to help me manage the symptoms.

It’s been 6 weeks since I started it. And wow what a difference it has made.

My mood is lighter and the anxiety subsided. I’m retaining memories that previously would have vanished in a heartbeat. And I’m starting to feel human again. I’m also wondering if the episodes of being suicidal are related to the changes I’ve been going through too?

Listening to Davina McCalls book Menopause and learning that women experience the highest rate of suicide between 45 and 49 feels like no big surprise. 

These changes are hard. 

You become convinced you’re going crazy.

But you’re not crazy, I promise.

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