Although I agree with the idea that we shouldn’t dwell on the past, and we should be focused on the now to get a better future, I also believe it’s the events of my past that have made me who I am. I try to live regretting nothing, these life events are all the things that have made me stronger. The past is a life lessons moulding me into who I am today. I haven’t always seen the good in something straight away, and often they have caused me pain whilst I learn, but I always get there in the … Continue reading “Me 1 Fibro 0”
Category: Mental Health
New Year New Me – The Bullet Journal
We all do it! At the end of December, start planning the new year new me stuff. This year it’s going to be different! And by the end of 2017 I’ll be a size 10 who will always leave the house looking like a supermodel, I’ll be super fit, in control of my health and able to run marathons, I won’t shout at my children, and I will be organised and on top of every aspect of my life and things will be perfect! But by the middle of January the sneaky chocolate bars have found their way back … Continue reading “New Year New Me – The Bullet Journal”
No bunnies were harmed in the writing of this blog
In the build up to Christmas I went craft mad! I made chutney and chilli jam, marmalade and mince pies. I made and decorated 4 Xmas cakes plus a tray of mini Christmas cupcakes and had cookies and biscuits coming out of my ears! I sewed both my kids comedy jumpers, I made a jacket, key rings and tree decs. Every member of my family was boxed up a hamper full of home made goodies. I made silly signs, embroidered pictures and even a tshirt that gave the wearer twinkly tits. I was chuffed to bits with how most of … Continue reading “No bunnies were harmed in the writing of this blog”
When it comes to life none of us are winning like we thought we would
Couple of days ago I thought I was having a pretty crappy day. Within the first hour of getting up I had to yell at my kids half a dozen times for stupid stuff, like smearing cream cheese over the draw handle, bickering with each other non stop and not being dressed 10 minutes before they should be leaving the house, let alone actually brushing their teeth, and then the dishwasher broke…again. Once they had left for school I had a really bad case of fibro fog to the point I started to worry that’s Id never get back to … Continue reading “When it comes to life none of us are winning like we thought we would”
Father Christmas
My dad was a fireman. Each year growing up we would attend the fire brigades annual Christmas party at the station. All the kids would be invited, we’d have our tea, play party games and take it in turns to slide down the fireman’s pole. At the end of each party we would get a special visit from you know who! When Father Christmas arrived I was always amazed that he knew exactly what I had really wanted for Christmas and he would always bring the best present I’d receive all year. He would know if I had acted up, … Continue reading “Father Christmas”
Suicide awareness month
This month is suicide awareness month. A month for opening up and talking about mental health. A month for letting those who are scared and lonely know that they are not alone and that there are people that can help. A month to not sweep this epidemic under the carpet. Every other post on my Facebook feed has been telling people that there is help out there and they are not alone. I have seen the Samaritans number so many times in just one week that I know it off by heart, and I think its great we are sharing … Continue reading “Suicide awareness month”
Its all shits and giggles
After 14 days of working round the clock to clean out the premises I was down to the last few days before handing my beloved shop back to the landlords. The business is gone. All thats left is just the shell of what used to be. My husband offers to take a couple of days off work to help me get it all finished. After the first day of his help I was so shattered when I got home I passed out for 2 hours on the sofa. When I finally woke up the last thing I wanted to think … Continue reading “Its all shits and giggles”
The note pads
Today I had blood tests to see if I’m just flairing, or if the inflammation on my hips has actually got worse. When I got home my head had plans to do so many things. Reality was my body managed to get 3 tiny tasks,I had a soak in the tub, then collapsed on the sofa, watched shitty daytime tv and was feeling pretty sorry for myself. As I hobbled past my old desk I saw a pile of brand new multi colored post it notes on my desk and it made me smile. And it got me thinking – … Continue reading “The note pads”
Why blogging and why Prittstick and Painkillers?
Why I chose to start this blog. I have been a crazy mad energetic woman most of my life. When I was 6 month pregnant with my first child I wielded a sledge hammer to re-landscape the garden. 3 months after my second child was born I set up my first mini enterprise, and for last 11 years running a couple of businesses. My main business for the last 9 years has been running a florist full time, and my spare time included me embarking on ridiculously ambitious projects such as refitting the shop in 48hrs whilst my children slept, … Continue reading “Why blogging and why Prittstick and Painkillers?”