The City of Gold

One of the biggest standouts in Czechia is the amount of gold you see. Roadside Saints and crosses shimmer in the sun. The buildings are dusted liberally with golden symbols that long ago marked ownership of the families that resided. And the churches? You have never seen such opulence.  The most flamboyant of these was St Nicolas Church.  I am so grateful to have seen this church first hand as photos cannot do justice to the yellow glow of metal that covered almost every Saint, cherub and effigy. Standing above looking down from the organ gallery you almost needed sunglasses … Continue reading “The City of Gold”

Fine dining and foreign language

I feel surprisingly alive today. After travelling 800 miles by road, plus the ferry in just 18 hrs with a grand total of 52 mins sleep, it’s quite a surprise. The first stop on our journey is Prague. And wow what a city! We are all in agreeance that we are here to experience the new cultures, so whilst our first meal of the trip may have been a McDonald’s ( it was 6am, we needed coffee and I did choose the chicken breakfast) we are all going for authentic local cuisine. Being the foreigner in a strange country, I … Continue reading “Fine dining and foreign language”

Hair removal cream

When it comes to hair removal cream no one ever talks about the “what can go wrong” bit. It’s been a stressful day with work, I may be slightly hormonal due to the imminent arrival of my lady curse, and for everyone’s safety I decided I’d have a bit of pamper time, some me time and I’d soak in the tub.  After pigging out on a huge home cooked banquet of burgers and chips lovingly prepared by my babies, I left my boy washing up, my husband blowing up battleships and my daughter curling her hair for 70 billionth time … Continue reading “Hair removal cream”

My current inner monologue

“What you doing?” “Drinking my coffee.” “What you doing after that?” “Shhh, Its early!  I don’t know yet.” “It’s 11am! You’ve been up for an hour!” “I know, but it’s the weekend.” “You know you’ve only got 2 months now right?” “2 months till what?” “Til you’re 40” “I know I’ve been seeing all my old school friends posts about their birthday since September! Im not stupid!” “Ye but you wrote in your journal last year, You were going to be fabulous by 40.” “Which journal?” “The one you started when you swore you were going to get your shit … Continue reading “My current inner monologue”

What not to do in a heat wave

Here in the UK we have unusually high temperatures this week. And I’ve discovered fibro and heat aren’t friends so I’m doing my best to keep cool and not over do it. I’ve pulled open the nets to help with the air flow, I’m strategically drawing and opening curtains to prevent the rays warming the rooms, I’m staying indoors, wearing as little as possible and I’m avoiding the leather sofa as I keep getting myself stuck to it. I was pottering upstairs getting some little jobs done and figured the neighbours couldn’t see up here so whipped off my skirt. Only … Continue reading “What not to do in a heat wave”

Friday night rituals

I think everyone has their Friday night rituals For some famed mums its “Fuck it all Friday” The kids eat junk food whilst mummy enjoys that well deserved glass of anything that contains enough alcohol to make the thought of the forth coming 2 days of enduring their husband and precious poppets under the same roof seem almost tolerable. For those under 25 or without kids its a night to get dolled up, hit the town and get twatted, rolling in at god knows what hour and probably waking up to someone you have absolutely no idea at who they … Continue reading “Friday night rituals”

He who must not be named

Ive got this friend, who has a little bit of a problem…. And she doesnt like to talk about it. She has a rat! Having read one too many Harry Potter novels she knows that referring to it as ‘He who must not be named’ will only exasperate her fear in this creature, and as Voldemort has already been taken she has affectionately named him Brian. Over the weeks Brian has inherited a personality. Brian is a social creature, with intellectual friends who like nothing more than calling round for an evening of fine dining on cheese and red wine, but … Continue reading “He who must not be named”

Its all shits and giggles

After 14 days of working round the clock to clean out the premises I was down to the last few days before handing my beloved shop back to the landlords. The business is gone. All thats left is just the shell of what used to be. My husband offers to take a couple of days off work to help me get it all finished. After the first day of his help I was so shattered when I got home I passed out for 2 hours on the sofa. When I finally woke up the last thing I wanted to think … Continue reading “Its all shits and giggles”

The trouble with drugs

With my diagnosis of  I have inherited a whole heap of drugs I now need to take just to survive the day. I take vitamin D for energy levels and pain, omeprazole to stop my stomach lining from becoming damaged, I take anti inflammatory for the swelling in my hips, anti depressants – well why the heck not?, sleeping tablets and a whole heap of pain relief, all these just to survive each day. Now little did I realise just what effect these were having on my in other ways. The last few weeks I have been experiencing some pretty … Continue reading “The trouble with drugs”