I think 2023 will forever be known as the year I tried. I tried to kill myself, I tried to refind myself, I tried to hold it together as my head filled with poison over things I could no longer control. I tried to build bridges. I tried to move forward despite the feeling that I was constantly wading through treacle. I tried to be well when I’m still very much not well at all. And currently, that relates to my trying to ‘do’ Christmas. If you have been on this site for more than a couple of clicks, you’ll … Continue reading “2023 The year I tried”
Category: Food
Cake and psychology
My friend came to see me today. It’s been a while since we’ve chatted so there was lots to talk about. As always when we get together there is lots of tea and definitely cake. Cake is always a necessity. She told me about her kids. How they’re growing up. How her eldest is off to uni too. And her daughter has had struggles with friends on social media. Both things I can relate to. I told her about my troubles. My catastrophising. The urges to hurt myself as I don’t know how to deal with the pain I feel … Continue reading “Cake and psychology”
Left overs
When I was a child my parents used to hold regular dinner parties for their friends. It’s something that doesn’t seem to happen so much any more. And I think it’s sad. We should bring the tradition back. My mum would spend the first day cleaning the house from top to bottom. Even the beeswax furniture polish would come out filling the house with a smell that always meant something exciting was about to happen. My mum would spend the next day cooking up a storm in the kitchen. My sister and I would love it as we’d get an … Continue reading “Left overs”
The Polish Market
There is something about visiting a fresh produce market when abroad that makes it exciting. Back home I never really think to visit our local farmers market, despite them holding one each month. But exploring a market whilst on holiday is exciting. The strawberries look reder, the cherries more juicy. Even the potatoes look more exotic than back home. There is also a buzz that comes with the markets. Traders calling to their customers touting their weres. Customers calling out to get the attention of the sellers, to make their purchase, before someone else makes off with the punnet of … Continue reading “The Polish Market”
Fine dining and foreign language
I feel surprisingly alive today. After travelling 800 miles by road, plus the ferry in just 18 hrs with a grand total of 52 mins sleep, it’s quite a surprise. The first stop on our journey is Prague. And wow what a city! We are all in agreeance that we are here to experience the new cultures, so whilst our first meal of the trip may have been a McDonald’s ( it was 6am, we needed coffee and I did choose the chicken breakfast) we are all going for authentic local cuisine. Being the foreigner in a strange country, I … Continue reading “Fine dining and foreign language”