New job, New me

I start a new job next week. If I’m honest I have mixed emotions about it. There is excitement and nervousness all mixed together and there is sadness too. For starters, I’ll be the new girl. And I’ll have a whole heap of things to learn. I know I will spend the coming weeks wiped out with trying to remember it all. But thats ok. Im looking forward to that bit. I like learning new things. And with this job comes big changes. It’ll be the first time in a long time I won’t be paying in my own wages. … Continue reading “New job, New me”

Dad would have liked it here

I’m sitting somewhere high in the hills of the Austrian/German border. There is not a cloud in the sky.  The only sounds I can hear are the crickets chirping in the grasses and forest leaves that rustle from the trees that surround me. A waggtail and its mate hop from branch to branch, their tails bobbing with each pause they make. And butterflies dance in the air. I feel a peace here that I havent felt in a long time. And in that peace, I feel a comfort. Like my dad is near. I have always wanted to believe, each … Continue reading “Dad would have liked it here”

Travel Anxiety

Most people, when they’re off on holiday, are excited.  Not me. It would seem for this trip I’m riddled with anxiety. I didn’t recognise it at first, but on my 10th or 12th time of unpacking and repacking my suitcase, it dawned on me that’s what it was. But stupidly each time I packed and repacked I didn’t downsize what I’m taking. And considering that each member of the road trip was under strict instructions to pack light. A memo I obviously failed to digest. As always anxiety is a complex mixture of different pots being stirred together resulting in … Continue reading “Travel Anxiety”

My big cousin, she was always so cool.

Did I ever tell you how cool I thought you were? My big cousin. When we used to come and visit you, you would let me sit in your room. It smelled or hairspray and sweet perfume. Your DM boots lined up by your bedroom door. You always said you’d get married in Doc Martens and I knew you would because you were just so cool. Your walls were filled with posters of popstars like Morten Harkey and Bon Jovi. All songs I knew, but had never seen their androgonous faces before.Knowing you loved them, they became part of my … Continue reading “My big cousin, she was always so cool.”

Hair removal cream

When it comes to hair removal cream no one ever talks about the “what can go wrong” bit. It’s been a stressful day with work, I may be slightly hormonal due to the imminent arrival of my lady curse, and for everyone’s safety I decided I’d have a bit of pamper time, some me time and I’d soak in the tub.  After pigging out on a huge home cooked banquet of burgers and chips lovingly prepared by my babies, I left my boy washing up, my husband blowing up battleships and my daughter curling her hair for 70 billionth time … Continue reading “Hair removal cream”

The Mock Elections

Anyone who knows me knows I’m a bit of a Facebook addict. I bloody love it and can usually waste hours of my life trawling through the crap on there. But the closer we have got to the elections and the recent terror attacks through Europe and the Middle East, the more I see the worst in the people on there. To me politics and religion are alike, they shouldn’t  be discussed in depth on social media. Everyone has had a different life journey and because of that their priorities and their core values can vary. I dont think its … Continue reading “The Mock Elections”

Friday night rituals

I think everyone has their Friday night rituals For some famed mums its “Fuck it all Friday” The kids eat junk food whilst mummy enjoys that well deserved glass of anything that contains enough alcohol to make the thought of the forth coming 2 days of enduring their husband and precious poppets under the same roof seem almost tolerable. For those under 25 or without kids its a night to get dolled up, hit the town and get twatted, rolling in at god knows what hour and probably waking up to someone you have absolutely no idea at who they … Continue reading “Friday night rituals”

Cherry blossom tree

My sister has been having the world’s longest house extension. I don‘t mean her house is massive, I mean its taken forever!!! How she didn’t go stir crazy with all those builders in the house I don’t know! The worst bit about how long it’s taken is that it means my sister has spent hours and hours on Pintrest coming up with ideas about how fabulous her new home will be, but as always with these things, after she’s paid the builder’s fee she has champagne tastes and a lemonade budget. The other problem is she is not the most … Continue reading “Cherry blossom tree”

Not so crafty mum

When I was young I always dreamed of being a mum. Where some girls fantasise about their big white wedding my fantasies were of days filled with glitter and pritt-sticks, adventures in the woods, picnics of homemade delights and fun filled days educating them with in castles and museums. My reading out the signboards, their eyes glued to me, mesmerised as they learned the secrets of the world. Long before they appeared I had a draw full of soft cuddly clothes and tiny shoes. I knew no matter what it took in life I was going to be a mum … Continue reading “Not so crafty mum”

Is having a mini me a little too weird?

Finally this week I had some time where my energy levels picked up, I had the downstairs to myself (thank heavens for the Xbox at half term!) And I had the brain space to ignore all the things I thought I needed to do and decided to do something just for me. I broke out my sewing machine, chose one of the ninety billion fun fabrics I’ve been hoarding over the last few weeks and made myself a swing skirt. I chose a very simple design and made it by eye rather than trying to get my brain to concentrate … Continue reading “Is having a mini me a little too weird?”