Birthday baking


Today’s my daughters 13th Birthday party.

Now as much as I love to bake, the finer detailed decorating has never been my forte.

However having watched 3 series of The Great British Bake Off last year during my rainy honeymoon in Mexico I figured it cant be that difficult so Ive given it my best crack.

They make it look so flippin easy on the telly!!

The telly lies!!!!

The idea was Id get all the baking done yesterday so I could just focus on a quick tidy round the house and a leisurely few hours of placing with an icing bag and plenty of resting in between – however for some unknown reason every family member chose to descend on my house yesterday afternoon (every member that is except my brother, who I would have quite liked to see as I have an apple pie in my freezer for him lovingly made from the apples stolen from his garden whilst he was on his summer holibobs)

Anyway the leisurely bake went out the window and instead I finished the last few cakes literally crawling on my hands and knees sobbing as I didnt want to let my baby girl down – who actually has no idea what Id planned and wouldnt give a flyin fig!

So now rather than feeling ready for 6 wanna be teenagers to descend on my house it’s still an absolute mess and Im more ready for a sleep and some hard drugs!

My hands are shaking so bad a straight line on the biscuits was never going to happen and its more probable that i will have gorged on all the biscuits and cakes before anyone else gets home and be in a sugar and drugs infused stupor!


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