Why’s it all so superficial?
Do you know what I miss?
Deep conversation.
Pick a topic, I don’t mind what, but let’s deep dive it.
I had a friend at work who was always happy to unpack conversations. We talked religion, we talked family histories, we talked the meaning of existence and it was great. But then it stopped. Which is fine. But noone else wants to step up and fill the void.
Everyone else just wants to talk fluff.
What the last customer said, what’s next week’s weather looking like and what’s on the menu.
At a push we’ll talk what’s in the news, just don’t let it get too deep or too political.
I met up with my best mate last week and we did a deep dive.
It was the best medicine.
The plan was meet for breakfast.
5 hrs later and £30 worth of cups of tea and we were still there.
We talked about family stuff. Her in-laws are moving out of a home they’ve love for most of their life. It’s filled with memories that they’re not ready to move on from. But health makes these decisions for us some time.
We talked about our children. The paths they think they should be taking. And how how these paths aren’t right for everyone. Our fears as parents if they do fly the nest and if they don’t. Parenting is hard and you’ll question every decision and how every action will affect them down the line. It doesn’t seem to let up no matter what their age.
We talked about our relationships. How they become a comfort blanket. But how sometimes the smallest little wrinkle can make the whole thing feel derailed. It’s not, but when you’re caught in the moment, that’s how it can feel.
We talked about work, about responsibilities and most importantly how the combination of all these things affected our mental health.
We unpacked the lot. We broke it apart piece by piece. We scrutinized ourselves, and then we scrutinized each other. And it was just the best.
I miss conversations like this.
I need more people like this in my life.
Friends willing to drive 100 miles for a 5 hour breakfast and happy spending £30 on tea all for the sake of good conversations and putting up with my company.
I have the best friend !