Birthday baking

Today’s my daughters 13th Birthday party. Now as much as I love to bake, the finer detailed decorating has never been my forte. However having watched 3 series of The Great British Bake Off last year during my rainy honeymoon in Mexico I figured it cant be that difficult so Ive given it my best crack. They make it look so flippin easy on the telly!! The telly lies!!!! The idea was Id get all the baking done yesterday so I could just focus on a quick tidy round the house and a leisurely few hours of placing with an … Continue reading “Birthday baking”


Last week I went to my CBT for my first ‘proper’ session. As Id already figured out this confirmed I feel I am out of control in basically every element of my life down to my stupid illness. I cant control my energy levels, I cant control my ability to work at the moment as I havent got my head around pacing and i dont know where my future will take me whereas previously I have had each scenario mapped out in my head for every eventuality The only bit I feel like I can actually take control of at … Continue reading “Vegetarianism”

The note pads

Today I had blood tests to see if I’m just flairing, or if the inflammation on my hips has actually got worse. When I got home my head had plans to do so many things. Reality was my body managed to get 3 tiny tasks,I had a soak in the tub, then collapsed on the sofa, watched shitty daytime tv and was feeling pretty sorry for myself. As I hobbled past my old desk I saw a pile of brand new multi colored post it notes on my desk and it made me smile. And it got me thinking – … Continue reading “The note pads”

Why blogging and why Prittstick and Painkillers?

Why I chose to start this blog. I have been a crazy mad energetic woman most of my life. When I was 6 month pregnant with my first child I wielded a sledge hammer to re-landscape the garden. 3 months after my second child was born I set up my first mini enterprise, and for last 11 years running a couple of businesses. My main business for the last 9 years has been running a florist full time, and my spare time included me embarking on ridiculously ambitious projects such as refitting the shop in 48hrs whilst my children slept, … Continue reading “Why blogging and why Prittstick and Painkillers?”