Being the Villain

There is a meme going round that says ‘I’m in my villain phase’, but I’m not.  I’m no villain.  I’m in my ‘prioritising me’ phase.  And if you don’t like that then I’m sorry, but I’m not going to change. For years I have been told, when I voice my opinion, that I am being argumentative, but I’m not. I’ve just wanted to be heard.  You don’t have to agree with me or my opinion, that’s not what I’m asking for,  but you do need to acknowledge my truth. It started when I was a teen. Every time I stood … Continue reading “Being the Villain”

An apology costs nothing

On my wedding day to the kids dad I borrowed a ring that had belonged to my grandmother. I vividly remembered giving it back to my dad before he left the party. But within a month he asked for it back. And despite my protests he refused to check at home and I was labeled a thief. In fact it got so bad that we broke contact for over 18 months. I had moments of doubt that maybe I had remembered wrong and I had lost it, but it would never have been done with purpose, and the label of … Continue reading “An apology costs nothing”

She moves n the dark

She moved around mostly in the dark. That was her preference. Not that she couldn’t go in the daylight. She just found it an intrusion. She’d always been the same, even as a child. Whilst others were afraid of the dark, she found strength in it. The ability to move around stealthily, without being noticed. Not that anyone at home noticed her anyway. So that is why she stays in the shadows. She stays in that dark.

When death comes

Your emotions will come like waves.  Let them come, don’t fight them.  You can miss someone and not like everything about them.  Don’t feel guilty if the bad times try to fight their way to the front of your mind.  Recognise that they were part of the package.  Everyone grieves differently, don’t judge.  Death can bring out the worst in people so put your boundaries in place and stick to them.  Say their name when you’re with people that knew them.  Be kind to yourself because it’s a lot to deal with when someone dies


Today I’ve been thinking about glimmers. Rather than dwelling on the negatives or the past, glimmers concentrate on the future. They’re the little moments of hope. Of how the future might be. I had a glimmer this week. It was of my kids futures. Of their successes. Of their achievements. They were enjoying a celebration. I’m not sure of what, but they were both there laughing and chatting. They had partners with them and there was a small child giggling. And I just stood watching. Smiling at their happiness . And all of a sudden I was filled with anger. … Continue reading “Glimmers”

Valentine’s hearts

It was Valentine’s yesterday. Everywhere I went this week has been surrounded by hearts. And my heart has felt like it’s been breaking. No not a metaphor, my heart literally breaking. I went to the GP last week because I’ve been struggling mentally again, and whilst I was there I mentioned the chest pains I’ve been having. A week before I’d had to walk up a hill. The weather was cold and wet, I had a backpack on to carry my stuff as the things I’d needed that day were heavier than I’d usually take.  By the time I was … Continue reading “Valentine’s hearts”

I’ve not written for a while

I’ve not written for a while.  I guess I thought I didn’t need it.  I thought I was getting better.  But I’ve realised I’m not. I’ve just been masking. I’ve been coming off my medication to see if I can find a better more stable version of me.  The plan is to start mood stabilisers because I honestly thought the antidepressants weren’t working. But as I have reduced the dosage, the thoughts of letting the black wash over me are so very present. The problem with the antidepressants is how they make me feel with the rest of things. I … Continue reading “I’ve not written for a while”

Im Sorry

I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’m sorry. These words are second nature. I saw a post last week about how many times us Brits apologise. I was sorry about that. I felt like it was shameful to use that word so often. But yet I still do. I’m sorry I didn’t call you. We said we should, but life got different. I’m sorry we didn’t have that meet-up. It would have done the world of good. Instead the world got dark. I’m sorry that I zoned out for the last 6 months, I never should have taken the tablets that allowed … Continue reading “Im Sorry”

Flown the nest

I dreamt my kids were still babies last night. But I knew they were grown adults and couldn’t figure out why they were here as babies again. I was trying to feeding them things they hated as a child but enjoy now.They wanted to do crafts and as always I didn’t want the glitter getting everywhere. One of my kids was suffering sores around their nappy line and I told them I was sorry and that I knew how uncomfortable that was as I too get sores around my HRT patches some days. We were throwing a party at my … Continue reading “Flown the nest”

I dreamt my kids were still babies

I dreamt my kids were still babies last night. But I knew they were grown adults and couldn’t figure out why they were here as babies again. I was trying to feed them things they hated as a child but enjoy now.  They wanted to do crafts and as always I didn’t want the glitter getting everywhere. One of my kids was suffering sores around their nappy line and I told them I was sorry and that I knew how uncomfortable that was as I too get sores around my HRT patches some days. We were throwing a party at … Continue reading “I dreamt my kids were still babies”